Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] trying to verify if AN1x sends midi clock

From: jondl <jondl@...>
Date: 2000-04-06

Hi Mike,

"Mike B (digiboy)" wrote:
> Hi Group, I'm new here. Glad to have found you since i have never been able
> to get the Teklab list to work for me.

The Teklab Mail Server gave up the ghost in early January :-( Jay has
never brought it back online?!

> Right now i am trying to sync up some old VC gear to midi and I'd like to
> use the AN1x. I am a real novice when it comes to midi. I've been getting
> conflicting information about whether the AN1x sends out midi clock. Anyone
> here doing it? If so, is there a setting somewhere to turn it on? Please
> explain.
The AN1x does not generate MIDI Clock information. I wish it did but it
does not. However, the Seq/Arp can be synchronized to MIDI Clock. Use
the Select Knob to choose the the Voice/Common menu; then use the
up/down button under Tempo to reduce the tempo to below '40' so the
display reads MIDI. This info is saved at the Voice level - not
globally. The AN1x does not sync to MTC (MIDI Time Code) only MIDI
Clock (sometimes called MIDI Beat Clock.)

