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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] a few questions from a midi-challenged person

From: mango <j.kolling@...>
Date: 2000-08-23

> 1) If my setup is just a AN1X and soundblaster live!, and I'm using cakewalk
> 8 to sequence, what would be my best bet in producing a song that uses
> multiple sounds from the AN1X? Since I know the AN1X can only playback the
> most 2 different patch sounds at one time, would I have to record each AN1X
> sound track directly from my SB live midi-out port as seperate wav files?
> Then would I simply mix them back in with any other wav and midi sounds I am
> using in the song?

Yes. Well, not with your SB midi-out port, but with your SB rec-in or line-in
port. :)

> 2) With the AN1X Edit program, are there any special settings on the program
> or on my AN1X (besides midi send and receive channels being set) that I have
> to configure in order to transer information between them? I keep getting
> transfer errors in the program when I try to request the sounds from the
> AN1X.

I use the same configuration as you do, but i don't get any errors at all, it's
only a BIG guess, but maybe your midi cables are damaged ? (sounds weird doesn't
it? :)

> 3) How do I go about using patches that are downloaded? Does this involve
> the AN1X Edit program also, or is there another way I can send the sounds to
> the AN1X?

I just use AN1xEdit, and if the files you've downloaded are of the .an1
extension, then you can't use them in a midi sysex program or midiprogram to
transfer to your synth, and these would be the two other options to load data
(also patches) into your synth.