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Subject: a few questions from a midi-challenged person

From: "waylayer ..." <waylayer1@...>
Date: 2000-08-22


1) If my setup is just a AN1X and soundblaster live!, and I'm using cakewalk
8 to sequence, what would be my best bet in producing a song that uses
multiple sounds from the AN1X? Since I know the AN1X can only playback the
most 2 different patch sounds at one time, would I have to record each AN1X
sound track directly from my SB live midi-out port as seperate wav files?
Then would I simply mix them back in with any other wav and midi sounds I am
using in the song?

2) With the AN1X Edit program, are there any special settings on the program
or on my AN1X (besides midi send and receive channels being set) that I have
to configure in order to transer information between them? I keep getting
transfer errors in the program when I try to request the sounds from the

3) How do I go about using patches that are downloaded? Does this involve
the AN1X Edit program also, or is there another way I can send the sounds to
the AN1X?

I appreciate your help...


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