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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] AN1x Edit question

From: "PinheadX" <pinheadx@...>
Date: 2000-08-22

From: "Gary Gregson" <gary@...>
> there's a 'feature' nobody has pointed out to me before :-)

S∗ happens, I'm sorry for being the one...:-)

> Seems like you are correct, there is a small bug that prevents pasting to
> voice 128.

I noticed it in the first time I tried to set up a voice bank, but I was
wondering if my AN1x Edit was corrupted by any reason. In fact it's just a
minor's not anoying at all.

> The work around (until/if I update the program) is to paste the voice to
> other patch number and then double click so that it becomes the current
> voice. Now use the library Store button and enter 128 as the patch number.
> You should then have the required patch at program 128.

If you ever intend to make a vs2 of AN1x Edit, what about to add a "guided"
random step-sequencer generator? It would be pretty nice improvement...:-)

> Sorry for the inconvenience :-(

It isn't a inconvenience at all. In fact you really have the right to let it
pass since you turned our job much easier...:-)

Cheers from Brazil,