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> Hhehehe, well guys, i hate to break it to you, im MEGANOTHING.....i havethe
> least amount of gear on this list i believe.....I would love to have a would be a nice companion to the AN an
> AN1x
> Korg EA-1
> Behringer Euroroack MX802A mixer
> DOD Death Metal Distortion Pedal
> Sharp Minidiscman
> Shure SM-57 mic
> 700mhz athlon 192mb ram, 20gig HD, CD Burner, zip drive, DVD drive,
> soundblaster live value, firewire card, Creative 4 point surround
> speakers...and just about any software one would ever need...
> soon to own an analogue/DV video capture device and a Korg ms2k :-)Nice buy!
> i know im ghetto compared to you guys,but it gets the job done so im notWe're toghether pal...btw, we like the same music too...
> complaining.... :-)