From: <
> --- In, Peter Korsten <peterk@i...> wrote:
> > Superior as in synthesis engine, as could be deducted from the
> context.
> Hm, i disagree. The synthesis engine in all XG-tone modules is
> different towards the AN1x, because the basis on XG-modules are
> samples. On the AN1x it´s just a handfull of simple waveforms (sinus,
> square etc.).
> Or would you compare a Mack truck with a Ferrari and say that the
> Ferrari has a superior engine, because the truck can´t run 190Mph?
But we're comparing the engines, and they both work the same way.
You have an oscillator: something that produces a waveform. This waveform
can be a sine, two sines, something very complicated, a piano, whatever.
Then you have a filter, that cuts away bits from the spectrum. Then you have
an amp. The thing with the filter is substractive synthesis.
Additive synthesis in the Kawai K5000 (alas, also no longer available) works
with 64 (or 128?) oscillators that all have their own envelopes. This is how
the K5000 produces its sound. But it also has a normal filter, so it's more
of a hybrid.
FM synthesis uses four to eight oscillators that are either added, or that
modulate one another. The Yamaha FS1r is the latest example of the sort,
although that one is really mindbogingly complex. And it too has a filter
(although it cuts the polyphony in half), so it's a hybrid as well.
There are more and generally I don't understand a bit of how they work. But
'analogue synthesis' and S&S (sample and synthesis) are essentially the
same, because they are both substractive synthesis. The only difference is
the oscillator, but that's only one part in the process.
> > See my other (pretty long) mail about this issue. Essentially, the
> > filter of the EX5 is better suited for some analogue sounds than
> > that of the AN1x. For instance, if you want to make the famous CS80
> > 'Vangelis horn', you need a filter envelope that doesn't start at
> > 0. The EX5 can do this, the AN1x can't.
> Interesting, i didn´t know that (and never tried). But the EX5 cost
> also twice and more as much as the AN1x...
Well, both are out of production anyway. :)
Initially, the EX5 was about 2.5 times more expensive. It has also a far
better and bigger keyboard, a bigger display, a more convenient ribbon
controller, better and more wheels, more outputs, more MIDI ports, more
inputs for pedals and a breath controller, and it can be expanded to be a
full-blown sampler.
What it can't do, however, is playing preset #10 'Legato' in a chord. That's
why I'm happy to have both.
- Peter