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> To the one who sent this. Dn't feel so bad.....-------------------------------------------------------------------------
> All I have is this :
> Yamaha An1x
> Yamaha Cs2x (which I'm going to trade in for
> something else)
> Yamaha Rm1x (still not sure whether I'm gonna keep
> this)
> Yamaha DX100 (which I rarely use anymore, I think
> the midi isn't
> functioning correctly on the last I checked)
> Fostex FD-4 Digital Mutlitracker
> Roland KC100AMP
> Alesis Nano Bass (got this cheap)
> Two computers - AMD K6 3 400 RAM192 SB Live!Value
> and an AMD K6 2 350
> RAM128 SB Live! Platinum(love that front drive bay)
> one with cd writer -
> I had been using these alot for trying to make music
> with but I'm moving
> out of them...
> Also tons of software/plugin filters(I won't say how
> I got all of that,
> let's just say I know where to look on
> IRC)....................
> Cyas,
> Darren
> --------------------------------------------________________________________________________________________
> Oh gosh, i feel so ashamed and i am envious...all i
> have is:
> Synths:
> AN1x
> Electribe ER-1
> DB50XG
> PC: Pentium I 200Mhz, 40MB, 2,7GB, 15", Terratec
> 128i, HardSID (like
> SIDstation just as an ISA-card), Soundblaster AWE64
> Software:
> Nanoloop (for Gameboy ;) Nice LoFi-Sound)
> ReBirth
> Logic 3.5
> CoolEdit
> FruityLoops
> VAZ+
> Recording:
> AKG D60s microphone
> AIWA Minidisc-recorder
> Midiman padmixer (6 channels)
> Midiman Audio Buddy Preamp
> And everything sounds through a Kenwood Hifi system
> with Bose-speaker
> (Bose Baaad)
> Hopefully by next year i can do a full upgrade on
> almost everything.
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