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Subject: Re: Jp 8000/8080

From: tomfinegan@...
Date: 2000-08-18

--- In, Peter Korsten <peterk@i...> wrote:
> Superior as in synthesis engine, as could be deducted from the
Hm, i disagree. The synthesis engine in all XG-tone modules is
different towards the AN1x, because the basis on XG-modules are
samples. On the AN1x it´s just a handfull of simple waveforms (sinus,
square etc.).
Or would you compare a Mack truck with a Ferrari and say that the
Ferrari has a superior engine, because the truck can´t run 190Mph?

> > > and the envelopes and
> > > filters in my EX5 kick the AN1x's butt major big time.
> > Really? How? I wanna hear a prove, before i take it.
> See my other (pretty long) mail about this issue. Essentially, the
> filter of the EX5 is better suited for some analogue sounds than
> that of the AN1x. For instance, if you want to make the famous CS80
> 'Vangelis horn', you need a filter envelope that doesn't start at
> 0. The EX5 can do this, the AN1x can't.
Interesting, i didn´t know that (and never tried). But the EX5 cost
also twice and more as much as the AN1x...

> Nope, though perhaps a site like or
> has useful links.
Oh ok, i´ll try. Thank you.
