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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Jp 8000/8080

From: Peter Korsten <peterk@...>
Date: 2000-08-18

tomfinegan@... shared with us:
> --- In, "Peter Korsten" <peterk@i...> wrote:
> > The AN1x is far superior to XG tone generators,
> Now it is you, comparing apples and oranges. The AN1x is a virtual
> analoge synthesizer, XG tone generators are sampleromplayer. So how
> is AN1x superiour? Or can your AN1x play 16 different drumsets on all
> 16 MIDI-channels?

Superior as in synthesis engine, as could be deducted from the context.

> > and the envelopes and
> > filters in my EX5 kick the AN1x's butt major big time.
> Really? How? I wanna hear a prove, before i take it.

See my other (pretty long) mail about this issue. Essentially, the
filter of the EX5 is better suited for some analogue sounds than
that of the AN1x. For instance, if you want to make the famous CS80
'Vangelis horn', you need a filter envelope that doesn't start at
0. The EX5 can do this, the AN1x can't.

> > Substractive synthesis is taking bits from the signal from the
> oscillators
> > away, and you do this with a filter. Since both (virtual) analogue
> synths
> > and S&S (sample and synthesis) synths work with oscillators -
> whether this
> > is a sample or something generated is irrelevant - they are
> essentially the
> > same.
> Hm, fascinating. Do you know a site for more info about this topic?

Nope, though perhaps a site like or
has useful links.

- Peter