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>Superior as in synthesis engine, as could be deducted from the context.
> --- In, "Peter Korsten" <peterk@i...> wrote:
> > The AN1x is far superior to XG tone generators,
> Now it is you, comparing apples and oranges. The AN1x is a virtual
> analoge synthesizer, XG tone generators are sampleromplayer. So how
> is AN1x superiour? Or can your AN1x play 16 different drumsets on all
> 16 MIDI-channels?
> > and the envelopes andSee my other (pretty long) mail about this issue. Essentially, the
> > filters in my EX5 kick the AN1x's butt major big time.
> Really? How? I wanna hear a prove, before i take it.
> > Substractive synthesis is taking bits from the signal from theNope, though perhaps a site like or
> oscillators
> > away, and you do this with a filter. Since both (virtual) analogue
> synths
> > and S&S (sample and synthesis) synths work with oscillators -
> whether this
> > is a sample or something generated is irrelevant - they are
> essentially the
> > same.
> Hm, fascinating. Do you know a site for more info about this topic?