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Subject: Re: Gear?????

From: tomfinegan@...
Date: 2000-08-18

--- In, Darren M Boudreau <RIXdeGAUL@j...>
> To the one who sent this. Dn't feel so bad.....
yes i do...especially after i saw the gear-list on, doesn´t she has almost everything? Tell me,
that you didn´t start drooling, after seeing the effect list (with
the four TC-electronic effects...hell, did she win in Lottery or
something? These babies are EXPENSIVE!)

> Also tons of software/plugin filters(I won't say how I got all of
> let's just say I know where to look on IRC)...
Ah, i see you are doing it like me, trying out the "Radium"-versions
and only buying the usefull stuff later. That´s how i ended up with
Logic. Guess for the 4.5 version i need a completely new PC. I hope
it works on Duron.

