Marco Poloz wrote:
> Hi
> I also get a similar problem. I've noticed when I boot my An1x up and both
> the scenes are on loud blips come out, when I turn a scene off it goes away,
> but If I turn both scenes back on It chirps again till it warms up, and the
> go away.
> I also notice that If I had a pad type sound on the keys and held a chord,
> the bllep seem to preceed the re-trigerring of the sound.
> Did any of this make sense?
What you have described - almost verbatim - is the known problem both
Peter and I eluded to in an earlier post. Yamaha can repair the problem
- it is a hardware fix referred to as a 'factory modification'. I've
posted some details of my experience having the repair performed on my
AN1x Page don't recall if Peter ever had the fix performed. It probably
bothered me more than him ;-) I'd heard about this 'bug' (inaccurate
description I know) prior to buying my AN1x and figured I had a 50/50
chance of getting a model without the problem :-/ If your AN1x is under
Warranty - go for it! If not, ask how much it will cost before
deciding. You might ask what the long term effects on the unit will be
without having the repair performed. As far as I know no one ever
figured out if it gets worse or not?