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Subject: Sv: Sv: Sv: [AN1x-list] Jp 8000/8080

From: "Pergamon" <pergamon@...>
Date: 2000-08-16

> > [summarising]
> > what I mean is that the JP8000/8080 has more features and a cleaner
> > sound, but you also pay that much extra.
> I'm not sure about the cleanness of the sound. After all, it's supposed to
> be an analogue synth. I do know that the AN1x throws a nasty spike over the
> left channel when you switch it on or off, but when I listen to it through
> my 01v digital mixer and AKG K240M studio monitor headphones, I hear a clean
> sound - no noise at all.

I have no doubt there were no noise when listening through a 01v =)

I meant the way it made the sound, but i guess it all bears down to taste.

> The AN1x has more features than the JP8000, as a comparison between the spec
> sheets will tell you.

I think I will take your word for it. I checked this machine out when it was released, but choose to buy the AN1X instead.

> The JP8000 kicks arse in the user interface department, but I'm not even
> sure about the waveforms. Supersaw is nice, but there are these 'inner1' and
> 'inner2' waveforms of the AN1x as well.

Not sure about the waveforms myself.

Anyway, taste is the keyword here I think. Some people like the 01v mixer and some thinks it has to "hard" an output, some like the Nordlead and some thinks it sucks. I just think that when JP8000 produces a sound, it "sounds" cleaner/better, or should I say, the way I want it, for a specific task. Every synth has it's own way of making a sound, therefore even though it has basically the same features it has it's own "sound". As an ex. take the old 303, no other machine has been able to produce the same "sound". Granted there are some machines out there that can give a very good result, but it just can't make the exact same "sound". The same goes for a wide range of older synths.
