From: <
> Hi.
> It´s absolutely the Jp who´s the winner in my oppinion.
> First of all.
> I have own both those machines.
> And I think An 1 x is just a plastic toy with the worse digital sound
> ivé ever heard.
> The Jp sounds quite digital too but this machine has got a pretty warm
> sound.Nice Pads and good bass sound.
I've heard some samples of JP8K and I know people that own it (besides it's
price) and I'm not impressed w/ the samples and how it sounds, but my
friends we're impressed by the AN1x...
The JP8K has only 49 keys, but it have some goodies that may lead you to
think it's the best choice, but didn't worked on me...I shall get a JP8080,
but for it's price I prefer to get a VirusB.
If you have them both I suggest you to spend more time w/ your AN1x and
learn how to get its best....
> I say if youre looking for a An 1 x guys why don´t you take a look
> at
> the Cs 2 x which got it all the way.
> A lot of samples lovely pads and strings and some amazing basses and
> its absolutely a great Dance/Trance/Club synth.
I had one...and I miss it.
But why do I have to choose a rompler to simulate the analog sounds (that
makes any Dance/Trance/Club music) if I can buy a VA to do the same and even
I sold my CS2x to buy the AN1x for this reason...this kind of music IS made
w/ analog sounds!
> If you like to you can hear how the Cs 2 x sounds like.
It sounds good ,I know. And IMHO it's better then the CS1x...but
unfortunately it doesn't have the AN's synthesis power...
Read this review from a guy who works w/ synths and actualy have real analog
gear to compare the sounds... you may read this:
∗∗"The AN1x is the first synthesizer in a long time that grabbed me, shook
me, and screamed "Play me!""
∗∗"summary: Don't hesitate, BUY!"