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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Jp 8000/8080

From: mango <j.kolling@...>
Date: 2000-08-15

dc16@... wrote:

> Hi.
> It´s absolutely the Jp who´s the winner in my oppinion.
> First of all.
> I have own both those machines.

The JP is (and even was) also a lot more expensive

> And I think An 1 x is just a plastic toy with the worse digital sound
> ivé ever heard.
> The Jp sounds quite digital too but this machine has got a pretty warm
> sound.Nice Pads and good bass sound.
> I say if youre looking for a An 1 x guys why don´t you take a look
> at
> the Cs 2 x which got it all the way.
> A lot of samples lovely pads and strings and some amazing basses and
> its absolutely a great Dance/Trance/Club synth.
> If you like to you can hear how the Cs 2 x sounds like.

No thanks... i already heard demos of the CS2x, and me personally, i don't
like it one bit. ;] BTW, i'm curious why do you bash the AN1x and glorify
the CS2x (your averagely overpriced digital rompler with super digital
filter) on an AN1x list?
What kind of reactions were you planning to provoke? ;)