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Subject: Jp 8000/8080

From: dc16@...
Date: 2000-08-15


It´s absolutely the Jp who´s the winner in my oppinion.
First of all.
I have own both those machines.
And I think An 1 x is just a plastic toy with the worse digital sound
ivé ever heard.
The Jp sounds quite digital too but this machine has got a pretty warm
sound.Nice Pads and good bass sound.

I say if youre looking for a An 1 x guys why don´t you take a look
the Cs 2 x which got it all the way.
A lot of samples lovely pads and strings and some amazing basses and
its absolutely a great Dance/Trance/Club synth.

If you like to you can hear how the Cs 2 x sounds like.