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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Japanese Yamaha's e-mail needed

From: Phil <accession@...>
Date: 2000-08-09

Re: [AN1x-list] Japanese Yamaha's e-mail needed Hi PinheadX,

I can certainly appreciate your frustrations! To avoid all the hassles in the past of having misplaced power cords and instruction manuals, I always ask for a factory-sealed fresh box, or a I thoroughly inspect the contents if there's only one left that has already been opened.

Just to let you know, there is nothing too special about the power-supply. You should be able to pick one up from any local electronics shop. It must obviously be suited for your local power, that is 110V, but as for the AN1x specifics, it just has to convert to 12VOLTS 1.0AMPS.

They certainly aren't made specifically for Yamaha. You should be able to get Yamaha (or your retailer) to source one locally. A lot quicker then having one shipped to you.

I hope this helps... Let us know how you get on,


From: "PinheadX" <pinheadx@...>
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 23:24:17 -0300
To: <>
Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Japanese Yamaha's e-mail needed

Hi Phil,

In fact it's about my AN1x power didn't came blunded the my unit and now they sent me one w/ the wrong voltage coz they simply don't have a 110V wallwart to give me.
I've made a complain to Yamaha do Brasil and they said that I'll receive a "voltage converter" (I don't know its correct name in English), but I refused.
I paid too much to have a new unit so they MUST send me anything that comes w/ it and ready to turn on and play!!! now I can't play anymore and I refuse to spend money or accept, even for free, "more weigh to carry on" in order to use it...
I'm also wondering if I received a demo unit instead a new one...>:-(

I always had Yamaha's gear and I never bought any other brand synth or module, so you all must agree that I don't deserve it!!! Now, my only hope it to complain to the japanese HQ...

----- Original Message -----
From: Phil <mailto:accession@...>  
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 11:04 PM
Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Japanese Yamaha's e-mail needed

Hi there,

If you don't mind me asking, what is your complaint? Is it a product issue or dealer/distributer/support issue?

I am just thinking that if it's the 'product' (or 'support), then someone on the list may have some suggestions/workarounds that may help you out.



From: "PinheadX" <pinheadx@...>


Can anyone send me the japanese Yamaha's e-mail? I tryied at their website,
but I couldn't open the contact's page.
Believe me, I have a complain to do...>:-(

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