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Subject: Re: Sv: [AN1x-list] Sequencers ?

From: Philip <synth72@...>
Date: 2000-08-07

Why would "Jap" be so offensive? I've always thought
it was just shortening the word Japanese. I don't
think it's any different than Brit or Yank. Just my
opinion, though.
--- PinheadX <pinheadx@...> wrote:
> From: <angelphkt@...>
> > The word "japs" is a ∗blatent∗ form of racism and
> highly offends me, but i
> > kept my mouth shut on this one because i didn't
> want to get into a big
> > converation about this crap that we are doing
> now....
> That's an example of how our cultures are
> different...I always thought that
> "japs" was a kind of "gently diminutive". Here in
> Brazil we call them
> "japas", but it's not offensive, in fact it's a
> common nickname of many
> japanese descendant...
> That's my last post about this,
> PinheadX

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