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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Help setting up my AN1X for midi

From: Peter Korsten <peterk@...>
Date: 2000-08-07

waylayer ... shared with us:
> I just got an AN1X (my first synth) and am having problems connecting it to
> my computer. I connected my midi cable from the midi out on my AN1X to the
> joystick port on my soundblaster live card. I made sure that the AN1X local
> function was off and I set the midi transmit channel to 1. In windows, when
> I tried to install a new instrument in the multimedia section, it only
> allowed me to select the SB live midi out port, but not the SB live midi in
> port. Consequently, I couldn't transmit midi data to any programs, as it
> allowed me to pick my SB midi in for midi input, but there's nothing
> connected to that :(. If anybody has any experience with this, and can give
> me some advice, I'd appreciate the help, because I really want to start
> using my AN1X :)

Don't worry about the multimedia settings in Windows. They are only
used when you play a MIDI file.

All programs, that work with MIDI, have (or should have!) a settings
menu where you can select the MIDI in and out ports. Usually, you can
select output ports (if you have more than one, which is not the case
with your SB) per track.

What you need is a MIDI sequencer, and those don't get shipped with
Windows. Known names are Cakewalk, Cubase, and Logic Audio; there are
others as well, and the one which you like most/least is really a
matter of personal preference.

Now, if you do have such a program and still it isn't working, you
might want to switch the MIDI in and out to your AN1x (perhaps you'd
connected them the other way around), or perhaps try another cable.

If it still doesn't work, ask us again. :)

- Peter