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Subject: Old Alesis stuff (was Re: Sequencers ?)

From: jondl@...
Date: 2000-08-07

--- In, "Peter Korsten" <peterk@i...> wrote:
> From: <jondl@j...>
> > I used an MMT-8 for a couple of years - back when they were new.
> > is indeed a MIDI Sequencer - and quite a good one at that. The
> > was dead-on too. I don't understand your comment "but that's a
> > recorder." What is this suppose to imply? All MIDI Sequencers are
> > Recorders. I don't understand the point :-)
> I suppose he means a MIDI data recorder, such as a Yamaha MDF3. Not
that I
> know either product, though.

Oh, I get it! :-) Duh. I never used a MDF3 either. Alesis ∗did∗ make
3.5" disk drive in a 19" rackmount around the same time as the MMT-8.

Think it was called a 'Data Disk' and it would even play SysEx and
SMF's direct from disk. Made a nice companion piece to the MMT-8.
