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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Sequencers ?

From: "Ekosonic Amplifier" <ekosonic@...>
Date: 2000-08-06


The RM1x is a box i use as the heart of my midi setup. Though some people
seem to have to get used to the way of hardware sequencing, i myself got
fully into midi once i had the blue box. I hated the software sequencers.
You can find a lot of info on the page. You'll find
plenty of links, samples and especially the review page might be interesting
for you. And though most people hate the internal sounds of the RM1x, you
can get it really going once you found the FX and voice edit. Anyway FWIW i
like the blue box.


----- Original Message -----
> hey people,
> what would be a decent hardware sequencer for me to pick up to play
> around with that is relatively inexpensive. I hate Cakewalk and
> Cubase. Too much crap to messa round with and fill my screen. Give me
> something tangible in my hands to trigger my keys. Once upon a time I
> had an Alesis MMT8, but that's a midi recorder.
> I want some suggestions from some of you, please...I'll appreciate
> very much.
> ThanX,
> Darren