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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] Re: Offtopic: Dutch smoke pot (was:Americans are ignorant )

From: "Gary Gregson" <gary@...>
Date: 2000-08-05

> You're almost right...I forgot about that, but it costs a little less (in
> USA) then the Polymorph or about $300 more then the MS2000R and
> as far as I know it supports only the PLG100 series cards rather then the
> PLG150 as the AN card.
> I'm sure that nobody of this list would pay a 1000 bucks for a XG module.

I have a PLG150AN in an MU100 (the desktop module version of the MU100R,
that provides a single card slot...with no cards fitted as default). You can
actually pick these modules up quite cheaply in the UK (especially second
hand). Plus, as with all synths, there is nothing wrong with the sounds
these modules can produce, so long as you are prepared to do a bit of voice

