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Subject: Re: MS2000 Keyboard $600 Harmony Central

From: jondl@...
Date: 2000-08-04

--- In, angelphkt@a... wrote:
> yeah, but i'm still ULTRA weary about giving up my money before i
see the
> product in my hands y'know?

Yes, I understand completely. I sell 10x more on the 'net than I buy
off the 'net. Go figure? You should just stick with etailers that
30-45 day returns. Make certain there's no restocking fee though! And
watch those shipping charges too. One well known etailer with the
initials M.F. has been known to inflate shipping charges.

specially for $600 ∗shudders∗ i'd commit suicide
> :-) that or the AN1x list would become a suicide prevention hotline

Oh, let's not go there - that's not EVEN funny. I know you're just
joking though :-)

> ash
> In a message dated 8/3/00 5:36:20 PM Central Daylight Time,
> jondl@j... writes:
> <<
> hth.
> regards,
> Jon
> >>