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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Re: Re where is everybody from

From: "PinheadX" <pinheadx@...>
Date: 2000-08-01

> yup.. but the guy behind it all is 'wessel van diepen', a dutch dj / radio
> presenter.. They claimed the girls were from Brazil, and even after it was
> known that they were from Holland they kept saying they were from Brazil

..(LOL)...if it was true we (Brazilians) should already know...and more,
they've been here in Brazil, even on TV, but I never heard any word in
Portuguese!...BTW, they don't have the typical Brazilian girl's butt...:-)

> But all this really doesn't matter, the winner in this story is Wessel van
> Diepen himselve. He has already earned like $10 mil... and the counter is
> rising..

Oh!!! I'm SO envy...:-)
