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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] OT tr-707 instruments for cubase

From: joel <mango@...>
Date: 2000-03-21


Thanks for the suggestions, i think i've found another problem too though,
it's with the ways the keys are mappable (and possible 'wrongly' mapped) on
the tr-707, i'll try to get into that next.

> BTW - Like is incomplete with a Multi-port MIDI Interface. Even a 2-in
> 2-out deal is nicer than a 1-in 1-out box. I'd suggest keeping your
> eyes on the 2nd hand market for a deal. You will never regret it!

I've always wondered why a two (or even more) in and out midi"box" is
you have 32 channels then, right? (2x 16) it would be nice if Cubase could
read 32 channels, or even 64 or 128 ;) doesn't matter to me.. but it can't,
can it?
I can't see any other benefits from a 2-in 2-out midi"box", but i may just be
a little stupid with this. =)


> Jon
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