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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] "SCENES"

From: mango <j.kolling@...>
Date: 2000-07-31

I'm gonna go grab a me pencil and an eraser and mark it right this time then.... ;)

Sayer wrote:

> > "Layer" or "Channel1 / Channel 2" or "Timbre1 / Timbre2" ;) you can do
> > various things with them "scenes"... why they called them "scenes" i
> > dunno, but i found it a bit awkward too.
> Scene originally came from the Yamaha CS1x in which you truly could save two
> sets of knob positions within one patch and then use the mod wheel to morph
> between them. They were not layers or channels since they were knob positions
> (contoller settings) and all patches had the ability to save two settings.
> They then tried to make the AN1x look the same from the user interface aspect
> and called it scenes even though they really are two patches or parts under the
> covers.... I think it boiled down to a marketing scheme... :-)
> By the way, the scene capabilities in the CS1x are amazing for atmospheric
> sounds/pads. I still love the sounds it can produce.
> Sayer
> =====
> Sayer's music: and
> Studio site: