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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Australia/football/Synthcompanies

From: Phil <accession@...>
Date: 2000-07-31

Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Australia/football/Synthcompanies
Japan-      Akai,Yamaha, Korg, Roland, Kawaii
USA-        Oberheim, Arp, Moog, Peavey, Emu, Ensoniq, Kurzweil
Sweden-     Nord lead
Japan-      Akai,Yamaha, Korg, Roland, Kawaii
USA-        Oberheim, Arp, Moog, Peavey, Emu, Ensoniq, Kurzweil
Sweden-     Nord lead
Germany-    Waldorf, PPG
UK-         Novation, EDP


Australia -  "THE FAIRLIGHT"!!!!!!!!

Beat That!

Phil :-)