--- In
AN1x-list@egroups.com, Steven Clements <Steven_Clements@t...>
> btw Canada is now the largest country (landmass) with less people
then east
> London I think and we just happen to be the nicest people on the
LOL...yeeeahh rrrright!...who is now ethnocentric...LOL...anyhow
...noone was really serious here, just kidding around. We are all
just some little creatures, who take themselves waaaay to much too
important, on a small blue planet in a infinite universe that doesn´t
care about our small problems. All in all, we should be lucky that
our planet HAS STILL a breathable atmosphere and so forth, you know
the deal. Go watch some Star Trek and think about it.
> Now about that AN1x
Yup...i have a question since i am planning to move in the long run
from Germany to USA, can just simply exchange the AC-adapter by an
american model, or do i need to buy a complete "american" AN1x?
Regards, Tom