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Subject: Re: Didgeridoo

From: tomfinegan@...
Date: 2000-07-29

--- In, mango <j.kolling@c...> wrote:
> The didgeridoo is a unique instument all by itself, it will NOT be
> to emulate
> as other more easy things like strings or drums orso, IMHO,
ofcourse :)

Well my intention behind "emulating" the didgeridoo with the AN1x is
of course not to get a realistic sounding copy...i mean, come´s only pure substractive synthesis in our little blue AN, not
sampling or anything. But to try it, can create on the way a lot of
interesting new sounds, i think.

> The Netherlands don't have a typical instrument as far as i know,

LOL...yes they have one...cheese...hehe

Regards, Tom