Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: Bigger Better Fastest Best
From: Steven Clements <Steven_Clements@...>
Date: 2000-07-29
I think we all love, like or cherish our homelands. We all think that our
country is fantastic (except for the politicians who somehow screw things
up). We may all believe that our point of view is, quite obviously, the
right one... I mean come on! Doesn't everyone see things the way ("I") you
do? Hell we could argue about who makes the best beer (please lets not).
American's are lovely folk, there are a few zealots and extremists... of
course this would never happen in Europe or Asia, or Canada, or, you get my
point. Oh and don't get me wrong I'm not advocating for
political-correct-speak. But really ethnocentricity is and always will be
around, just re-read your post before you send it to see indeed if you are.
btw Canada is now the largest country (landmass) with less people then east
London I think and we just happen to be the nicest people on the planet.
Now about that AN1x