Aha, i see.
This happens to me too sometimes,
where one file extension is "assigned" to a program that
you don't want it assigned to. :)
The only solution to this i really know is to reinstall whatever real unzip
program you have so that it (hopefully) uses the .zip files once again for
that program... There must be another way of doing this though, but i'm not
familiar with it..
like in your win.ini file in your main windows directory there is something
that looks like this:
txt=notepad.exe ^.txt
bmp=C:\Progra~1\Access~1\mspaint.exe ^.bmp
pcx=C:\Progra~1\Access~1\mspaint.exe ^.pcx
Maybe you could change it there :) but i've never tried it, so i can't
guarantee it. :)
Good luck, :)
> From: Philip <synth72@...>
> Joel,
> It downloads as a during the download process, but it
> appear as a Zip file once downloaded. What I mean is
> that when I go to open the file, it's icon is that of
> a RealAudio file and RealAudio starts up. This is
> really bizarre. If you wouldn't mind e-mailing me the
> zipped file, I would really appreciate it.
> Thanks,
> Philip