--- In
AN1x-list@egroups.com, "Peter Korsten" <peterk@i...> wrote:
> From: <tomfinegan@y...>
> > Does Japan has a Football team?
> As a matter of fact, they organise the 2002 World Cup, together with
> South-Korea.
Oops..see i don´t know anything about "Fußball", not to mention i
hate it like i hate any other sport...maybe except Sumo-
Wrestling...∗G∗..those chubby dudes lifting each other from the
ground, throwing someplace else..whoa, i have to respect that..(no, i
don´t mean WWF, i mean REAL wrestling with 350 pounds dudes...not
these skinny action-dolls with "What-was-his-name?"-smasher)
> Or did I miss someone?
Yup Belgium with Sherman...they make this "Filterbank"...okay not a
real Synth but almost as complex as one.
Hopefully Yammie will make another AN with a Audio-In and stuff, b/c
i am sick of hearing ppl. telling on Sonicstate how cool their MS2k