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Subject: Re: [AN1x] New file uploaded to AN1x-list

From: "Jon" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2006-09-30

--- In, Rob Hill <m_moog8925@...> wrote:
> I got carried away making Jean Michel Jarre sounds on my AN1x the other weekend.
> I've uploaded a few to the file section of this group so if there're any fans out there
> Rob :-)

Hi Rob,

Finally made some time to download and audition your Jean-Michel Jarre sounds - well
done! These are terrific - prompted me to stop at CD Cellar and score a 2nd hand copy of
Magnetic Fields :-)

The four banks of Voices you uploaded appear to be identical - unless I've missed the
obvious, you wouldn;t mind if I .zip one of them and remove the duplicates from Files
section would you?

Thanks again,
