From: <
> These Didgeridoo-noises, did someone already tried to get this out of
> the AN1x? I tried it with ReBirth and it sounds "solala", you
> know...i get the basic noise but the up and downs are hard (when you
> only can use the mouse, no wonder)
I would be very suprised (though pleasantly so) if you managed to get a
digeridoo from an AN1x, or any woodwind from any (virtual) analogue synth.
I'm not the expert on physical accoustic modelling, but it is possible with
a modular analogue synthesiser (and the Nord Modular, of course). It comes
down to feeding back the signal, via a delay, into the oscillator (or so I
believe, I could be mistaken).
Having said that, it's very difficult to get something recognisable from it.
In that case, perhaps a modelling synth from Yamaha or Korg, or a modelling
software synth would be the answer.
- Peter