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Subject: Re: Where is everyone from?

From: tomfinegan@...
Date: 2000-07-29

--- In, Phil <accession@o...> wrote:
> Now ∗that∗ would be a typical American thing to think!
Hm? Why? :::shrugs:::

> You're from Germany? How was the Love Parade???
I didnĀ“t go, too crowded (1.5 million ppl stepping on MY feet? No
thanks!). The flair of old days are gone. To go to the Love Parade is
nowadays like going to Disney World. And why would i like to swim
with the stream, when i only get to the destination by swimming
AGAINST it? So no Love Parade for me...which is too far off in Berlin

> Cheers,
> Phil :-)
> (...who's now realized that he's quickly destroying all ties
between USA and
> Australia without meaning to at all - Hey guy's, please understand
that this
> is just a bit of friendly fun. There's no harm meant by any of it!)
LOL...that you have to explain it makes it even more
funny...LOL...Irony seems to be a difficult thing for most ppl.