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Subject: Re: Question....

From: tomfinegan@...
Date: 2000-07-29

--- In, angelphkt@a... wrote:
> "You are sooo american...hehe...just teasing...
> Me? Hamburg, Germany"
> hey, be nice i eat my saur kraut! heheheh j/k ;O)

...typical american..."All germans eat Sauerkraut"...yeaaaah
riiight...Germany is a lot bigger than Bavaria...which is indeed in
the south of Germany, Hamburg in the North near the Northsea.
And by the way i rather eat Curry Chicken than ew-Sauerkraut... we are already OT, i want to remind everyone to register
for the first "democratic" worldwide vote for ICANN (

You should register until 31st July 2000, or you canĀ“t vote in
October for the committee. By the way, already 30,000 Chinese and
20,000 Japanese are registered, but only 18,000 Americans and 18,000
Germans....still only 100,000 out of a world of 200 million ppl who
surf the net...poor humankind...

ICANN is the organization, which takes care of issueing top-level
domains, internet-root-servers and so forth. It will be voted by all
internet-user who are over 16, has an email-adress (even GMX or
Hotmail and similar work) and who are registered at ICANN.

So go, register and vote in the first "democratic" worldwide vote.
Maybe a small step towards a "world-government"?

Cheers, Tom