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Subject: Re: Question....

From: tomfinegan@...
Date: 2000-07-28

--- In, angelphkt@a... wrote:
> im a computer animation
> major (part the film program)....I plan on relocating to San
Francisco when i
> get done with school, let's hope that actually happens ∗crosses
Heho, coolness, just like my sister in law, who did this computer
animation thingy in Miami, but she didn´t liked the school and
left...anyhow i am babbling again. What is everyone else doing here
for living? Can someone live off his music?

Btw. i am currently doing an education as an Network Administrator
for NT (MCP and MCSE if i can afford), Novell (CNA) and UNIX.
> "Sweden here...... north of Europe for those of you who didnt get
> grades i geography.
> Falke"
> woah, you arent the swedish guy on my list-bot for teknologikal
mindphuk are
> you?
lol...i guess that´s someone else...swedish is more like "Smoere
Broed Utgang"