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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Second thoughts

From: Bruce Daily <>
Date: 2007-12-16

Hi folks-

Some new insight into Mike Pinder's decision can be
found in the group's new DVD biography. Seems someone
may have rubbed the drummer wrong. A long video, but
worth the watch (once). Not enough time is spent
concerning the Mellotron's role, though.

-Bruce D.

--- Rick Blechta <> wrote:

> On Dec 15, 2007, at 2:35 PM, Thomas C. Doncourt
> wrote:
> > What I am really curious about is what made Pinder
> pack it in after
> > reaching such a high note in 72.I wonder if some
> of that creative
> > liberty
> > broke down in the band. Did he just get sick of
> playing the
> > mellotrons and
> > chamberlins?
> Someone who knows him should ask.
> I asked Ian McDonald why he left King Crimson and he
> couldn't give me
> an answer that really meant anything. It was sort of
> sad. I wonder
> where they would have gone if the band had stayed
> intact for a few
> more albums.
> Rick

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