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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Lousy timing

From: "mellotronist" <>
Date: 2007-12-12

That's exactly why people are paying $5100 for them these days. There
aren't any M400s at "fair" prices any more...

> Hey all!
> I have a client who needs to PURCHASE a
> mellotron. I realize this could be grasping at straws
> but he's on a schedule and wants the thing by January
> 1st. I suggested a new one, but his budget is not as
> such. He's willing to pay a fair price for a decent
> M400. If you have any leads, please let me know. I
> know, I know, everybody on the list is looking for
> one, but if there's one out there, somebody can make a
> quick sale.
> Thanks for not laughing, although I won't fault you if
> you are. I am.
> -Jack