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Subject: Re: eBay M400...Raising the bar again

From: "jaspercolvin" <>
Date: 2007-12-11

I thought they were around £4500.

in terms of value though, $5k for one that needs working on + the
shipping, they are still only going to have 3 sounds! when you can
have 24 tracks on the new one!

same as the moog voyger i would rather buy the new one for £2k than
one that's 20 + years old with all the problems associated with age.

i think it's different for an old hammond, i have the softsynth and a
couple of real hammonds, i still like the old ones...

i would sell my old restored novatron for a new one if the price
difference was close.

--- In, lsf5275@... wrote:
> In a message dated 12/10/2007 2:19:54 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> jaspercolvin@... writes:
> Why would you pay that much for an old tron when you could get a
> 4000 from the tronbros!
> I think a M4000 now cost more than $10,000.00 US dollars.
> Martin, am I right?
> Frank
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