Yes, we have it. It makes a delightful table for our polished aluminum tea service. We also have some lovely plates that are made of some kind of clear, space-age plastic. When company come to stay the night we serve up a nice round of Thomas' English Muffins (original, of course) and some nice English Breakfast tea in the morning and we all sit around the Mellotron while I play "In the Wake of Poseidon."
In a message dated 10/20/2009 1:12:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
The guy who used to paint them had once worked in a refrigerator factory. It was either white or avocado as far as he was concerned. Streetly wisely insisted on white. They did test one 400 in avocado. I believe Frankie Stickle has it in his kitchen.