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Subject: Fw: [newmellotrongroup] Re: Mellotron film in London...

From: "Andy Thompson" <>
Date: 2009-09-28

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Re: Mellotron film in London...

When you do, can I get a copy of that????
When I finally do, I'll post the whole thing on my website, with Woolly's permission, of course... Things to do list: 1) Get my shit together.
Andy T.
In a message dated 9/28/2009 5:07:23 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Having now met him a few times, I'd concur with the 'shy' theory, not to mention the 'stagefright' one. For all the gigs I did with Litmus, I never got stagefright, my theory being that I wasn't the 'responsible party', and no-one could hear me anyway. However, when I played with England's Robert Webb at the second Mellofest, I shat a brick... (prob.too much info. Sorry). Shyness is often mistaken for rudeness, I've observed. Woolly has a totally different personality. Speaing of which, I keep meaning to call him and get him to give me an interview on his M300 use throughout the BJH catalogue.
Andy T.

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