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Subject: RE: [newmellotrongroup] 5 favorite progressive rock instruments

From: "John Wright" <>
Date: 2008-12-27

Hi Frank.  I'm actually a guitar player, but learning keys.  My Hammond is a T400 series, Moog is a Little Phatty(great basses),  MIDI pedals are Roland PK5.  I don't have a Mellotron, but instead use Roland SRX-07 vintage keys module in a Juno G.  Can't honestly say how the samples compare to a live Tron because never had a chance to hear one up close and personal.  I suspect, however, not to close because the Hammond samples on the Roland don't sound like the T400.  They're not bad, just don't sound the same.
This is a Tron group so I have to share how I became hooked.  One of the 1st albums I ever purchased was "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road".  The liner notes listed all the equipment used for each song.  For "Grey Seal", right after piano was, listed Mellotron.  That did it for me.

From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2008 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] 5 favorite progressive rock instruments

Welcome aboard John. Do you have any of these items?
In a message dated 12/26/2008 11:29:08 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, john.wright@ writes:
Hi All, I'm new to your group and have been enjoying the recent
threads. While off from work for the holidays, I was browsing the
Moog site and was pleased to see the announcement of the re-
introduction of Taurus Bass pedals. Moog will limit production to
1,000 units and will ship late 2009. For me, the 5 most important
instruments for Prog, in this order, are Mellotron, Bass Pedals,
Hammond organ, 12-string, and mini-Moog. Happy Holidays.

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