Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Mellotron Group
Subject: Showing it off
From: "robertsonics" <>
Date: 2008-11-05
The artist collective in Waltham, MA where I maintain a workspace had
our annual "Open Studios" this past weekend. While I don't produce art
which hangs on a wall, which is what many visitors come for, I usually
open up my place and show off whatever I happen to be working on. This
year it was my M400 #380, since I had just gotten it back into playing
condition several weeks ago. Of course, I left the top and front off
so folks could observe the inner workings.
It was a very satisfying experience. Many people had no idea what a
Mellotron was, but instantly recalled the sound and said things like
"I always wondered what that sound was." Many others knew of the
instrument but had never seen or heard one in person. Some lit up like
a lightbulb when they recognized it and actually got to play it. I had
fascinating conversations all weekend.
Perhaps many of you have had similar experiences - it was a first for
me, and made all of the hours involved in restoration even more worth it.
-Jamie Robertson