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Subject: Re: Fairlight alert

From: "tmoravan" <>
Date: 2008-10-16

--- In, "jaybe52000" <jaybe52000@...>
> I had a DX-1 but sold it last year.
> I was also the US Sales Manager for Fairlight Instruments and sold all
> three models of the Fairlight CMI, Series II and IIX and the very
> early versions of the Series III.
> --- In, "Jon" <jonesalley@> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > There's also a DX-1 just listed today. Isn't there somebody on the
> list that has one of those? Are they the one selling it?
> >

yep - that's my DX-1. It's hard to let the big old boards go, but
sometimes you just have to do it. I have a few more things yet to
list, but the majority will be effects.

I've been toying what to do with my Model 400 and 6 frames. Keep them
or sell them and pick up a Memotron or something.

I would have asked the list's opinion on what to do, but I know you all
are a shy bunch and probably wouldn't speak up.