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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Mellotron Mark V FS

From: Richard Lowman <>
Date: 2008-10-16


> You can also have a good laugh and see what I looked like
> when I had
> hair since the main profile pic is one of me on stage at a
> live gig
> with my keyboard/synth rig from 1976 with my original
> Mellotron M400.

Holy Crud!

I remember you now when you typed that you were working for Fairlight. Back at the NAMM show in 1985 I was (trying) to do a documentary of the music instrument biz, and I believe I still have the footage that had you demo-ing one of the machines. :)

Fairlight just went over from the 7 inch floppy disk drives the year or so before to the 5 inch ones if I remember correctly.

Well, I remember the mustache anyway....

I think the footage is still sitting on a edited 3/4 video master or on VHS somewhere.

Long time no see and all that. :)