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> To: newmellotrongroup@yahoogroups.com_________________________________________________________________
> From:
> Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 21:59:39 +0100
> Subject: [newmellotrongroup] mellotronworks
> It's a fairly open secret among a few people here that I'm workng on a fifth and (if planning is right, final) album which I hope to have released some time soon.
> The album will be my take on a number of well-known classical works, recorded by me over the preceding five months or so. I don't read music and so it has been a slow and painful process at times, with me invariably surrounded by musical charts of my own creation as well as coloured scores, annotated manuscripts and post-it notes everywhere in sight. However, I have pressed on despite all the difficulties as I think the end result is going to be extremely worthwhile and comes with a bit of a twist.
> The one major difference between this and other attempts to record these pieces is that everything on the album will be played on the Mellotron.
> The album is to be called mellotronworks and I've taken the bold step of giving the good readers of this mailing list a preview. You can download my version of Samuel Barber's 1936 masterpiece Adagio for Strings from the following link:
> Comments welcomed.
> --
> Mike Dickson, Edinburgh
> Free Music Project:
> Or