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> Did an odd little solo set on Friday which led me to suppose that the best amplification for an M400 is a WEM Audiomaster into a Vox AC30 into a Big Dirty Rock PA system into a Big Sexy Victorian Theatre. Tamworth Assembly Rooms, to be exact. M400 no 151 with Guitar and Theremin into a Boss loopstation. First time, so I was a trifle unsure of myself. Live looped improvisations and one cover- 'Sailing By' by one Ronald Binge. Nightowl Englishmen know this lovely waltz well as the theme from the Shipping Forecast. The Glorious Singing Fridge sounded wonderful and we nailed the atmosphere of a 1940s movie soundtrack...--
> Went down surprisingly well, y'know ;-)
> Will do more.
> Love 'n' Scones,
> msw
> ________________________________
>> To:
>> From:
>> Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 15:35:08 -0700
>> Subject: RE: [newmellotrongroup] Amplifiers for an M400
>> Hi all-
>> I agree, the digital effects processors in these
>> devices can fall flat on their faces. The one in my
>> Alesis sounds awful when a 'tron is processed for
>> frequency or echo effects. These effect devices
>> expect a clean signal, even tones, with no noise, to
>> be almost passable. The 'tron doesn't provide any
>> this. And, if all the audio mixing is done in the
>> digital domain, you really get what you pay for.
>> The only usable effect I have is the Hall Reverb,
>> which can sound quite metallic if pushed. Wish I
>> could EQ it. Good thing that the FX section, and the
>> USB out, are the only digital things in this mixer.
>> Main outputs are analog.
>> I want to get a variable tube driver on the 'tron
>> output to see if I can smooth things up a bit overall.
>> Happy Easter, all!
>> -Bruce D.
>> --- Hessel Herder> wrote:
>>> Mark,
>>> Tying in with with what Bruce said, I would not use
>>> any digital effect unit
>>> as an insert effect ,which is basically what you're
>>> doing when you
>>> you feed the trons output , through the fx unit, to
>>> the amp.The quality of
>>> the AD/DA converters of many of these units could be
>>> better.
>>> I would make sure to connect and line up your tron
>>> as cleanly as possible
>>> and then feed any external reverb / multifx units
>>> with aux busses,
>>> also giving you more control over the levels.I
>>> always prefer to have effects
>>> unit return on separate channels, as opposed to fx
>>> return channels ,
>>> as it gives me more flexibility to tweak it.
>>> Cheers,H
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf
>>> Of Mark Pring
>>> Sent: zondag 23 maart 2008 5:13
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Amplifiers for an
>>> M400
>>> Hi Bruce,
>>> When I said living room I was speaking
>>> metaphorically,
>>> my wife is not going to have this thing in her
>>> living
>>> room, it's in a living sized room but well away from
>>> our stereo. In fact I am quite lucky it's in the
>>> house.
>>> I notice that some of the low powered low cost amps
>>> do
>>> accept CD input and I have wondered about using
>>> them,
>>> which would be useful for indulging some middle aged
>>> fanatsies. Then adding something like the Alesis
>>> picoverb. I know very little about mixers etc what
>>> model mixer do you use?
>>> I assume that if you are using a seperate reverb the
>>> signal from the tron goes to that then the
>>> amplifier.
>>> Would a mixer be in the same place? See what I mean?
>>> Thanks
>>> Mark
>>> --- Bruce Daily>> > wrote:
>>>> Hi Mark-
>>>> If you have a stereo(or other) amp in the room,
>>>> you
>>>> can use it. I bought a little Alesis mixer with an
>>>> effects section, and am running it in the tape
>>>> monitor
>>>> loop. The mixer gives a nice stereo reverb
>>>> effect(just to the 'tron), and you can play along
>>>> with
>>>> the music. Besides, the mixer might come in handy
>>>> later.
>>>> And, the sound will make the cat jump 4 feet
>>>> vertical. Purrrfect!!
>>>> -Bruce D.
>>>> --- Mark Pring>> >
>>> wrote:
>>>>> Need to buy an amplifier for #1565, I've only
>>>> heard
>>>>> the output from the pre amp on headphones. I
>>> know
>>>> we
>>>>> covered this in the old list last year but I am
>>>> not
>>>>> going to give concerts with this thing, I can
>>>> barely
>>>>> play it.
>>>>> It's going in the living room, I would like it
>>> to
>>>> be
>>>>> loud enough to annoy the neighbours and frighten
>>>> the
>>>>> cat but not to shake the house, we have
>>>> earthquakes
>>>>> to
>>>>> do that for us here. A built in spring reverb
>>>> would
>>>>> be nice and I don't have a lot of spare cash.
>>>>> Any suggestions?
>>>>> Mark
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