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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Re: Sinfield

From: Mike Dickson <>
Date: 2008-03-22

Concur. It's absolute excrement. Aside from the fact that Sinfield hasa voice that could best be described in tactful terms as breath-lightand completely and utterly off every fucking key known to humanity,the lyrics are clearly the floor sweepings from the King Crimsonrepertoire; those that even Greg Lake pointed at and laughed. When Ifirst bought it I got it on vinyl back in the days when it had beendeleted and was  scarce. I cannot remember being more disappointed byanything within the King Crimson 'family' of records, except perhapsthe first time I heard 'Exposure'.

Mike wrote:

In a message dated 3/21/2008 2:43:31 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,lsf5275@aol. com writes:
Then you'll want to acquire a copy of Pete Sinfield's soloalbum, "Still" that has "Song of the Seagoat" on it. A perfect meldingof classical/prog/shit. But very pastoral.

Please be advised that the most important word above is shit.This has to be one of the worst records ever recorded. Yes, I own it.But it is in pristine condition because it has only been played a fewtimes. Usually it was played back in the day when I wanted to make myfriends laugh.

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