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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Re: New tape frame/tapes

From: Bruce Daily <>
Date: 2008-03-05

Hi Bernie-

Good to talk to you. I saw your M400 rebuild on
Ken Leonard's site. Made me consider doing mine in a
quarter-sawn oak veneer. But the logistics of that
idea quickly turned the finish back to traditional

The Watcher mix seems, to my ears, to be a very
balanced mix. You might ask Streetly if they tweak
the Watcher balance at all. Very eerie when you apply
reverb. Note that there is no bass(accordion?) voice
included on this track, as in the way Genesis added it
on the 2nd MK2 kybd. The track select control would
have the advantage of level balance. The individual
sounds have their own merits. I mulled over just
having the 3-violins, but I really like this choice.
It mixes well with the choir.

My keyboard skills are lacking(I'm beter at the
'Cello and guitar), but I will see what I can do about
posting some sounds. Basically, I'm an Electronics
Tech with a 37 year yearning for a Mellotron.
Refurbishing it over a year has been fun. I really
hope to lease it out in the Colorado area for
recording and maybe gigs.

Yep, that's Meester Rick's French Horn. I kinda
leaned on sounds that would work well as seperate
tracks, or mix effectively. I also considered the
fact that the Angry Strings and Chamber Woodwinds both
have "split" aspects to them, which might be handy.
These are all new sounds on the 2nd set. No cats
here. The frame they're going on has an odd & poor
sounding set, very dull, almost like it got partially
erased. I got it last year off eBay. Brass B (I
think), 8-choir, oboe. They didn't cross-mix very
well. I even had to edit some tapes to get the starts
to line up. I numbered them, and will put them in a
box for a while, and see if I really miss them.


-Bruce Daily

--- Bernie <> wrote:

> Bruce,
> I have the Russian Choir and I like it a lot. I've
> only played the
> St John's Wood Church Organ on the M-Tron and it
> sounds very good,
> so I can only imagine how much better it sounds on a
> Mellotron. Does
> the Watcher mix sound like an even mix of the MkII 3
> Volins and MkII
> Combined Brass? I wonder if it sounds any different
> than mixing
> adjacent tracks of the same instruments. I would
> love to hear it if
> you could post a sample.
> I'm also looking forward to your review of the Angry
> Strings, French
> Horn (Rick's?) and Chamber Woodwinds. Seems like a
> great
> combination. Have fun lacing them. I did it once. A
> word of caution
> though: if you have cats, lock them in another room
> while lacing.
> Bernie

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