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Subject: Where is Mellotrongirl? Who is Nicole Atkins?

From: "ceccles_ca" <>
Date: 2008-01-18

Mellotrongirl posted a message to the old group recently, about the
new Nicole Atkins CD "Neptune City".

" Dan Chen sure plays some interesting ochestral keyboards on the
latest Nicole Atkins CD "

I have the CD. Dan Chen plays Mellotron - Vibraphone on two tracks.
(Nicely done!) The CD was recorded / mixed in Sweden by Tore
Johannson. A bit strange since Nicole Atkins is from New Jersey.

This 28 year old delivers some great nostalgic sounds. A bit David
Lynch strange, but familiar. Nice string and background vocal

Title track video:
Letterman Nov 07:
Letterman seems to like her.
